OpenCanary: One week in Splunk
The OpenCanary has been feeding Splunk via WebHook for over a week now and the statistics are becoming...
Improving OpenCanary Logging
The Loggly solution I’ve been using is basic and limited, basically being able to give an overview of...
Enhancing the OpenCanary: Samba writes and malware submissions
After finding that someone, somewhere was dumping malware .exe files into my OpenCanary, I had a long thing...
OpenCanary in the Cloud: Unintended Consequences
My OpenCanary in the Cloud was not logging SMB requests properly and I finally made time to look...
The Canary in the Cloud
OpenCanary 2.0 in Oracle Cloud continues to flourish. The main reporting mechanism is a webhook into Loggly from...
OpenCanary 2.0: More Ports, More Protocols….
Putting an OpenCanary into the Cloud is a free and fun way to see what the Internet background...
OpenCanary: 197 Days in the Wilderness
In May 2022, I experimented with putting OpenCanary into an Oracle Cloud Ubuntu VM. It was a quick...
OpenCanary in the Cloud
I guess it is not a typical deployment of OpenCanary but as an interesting research topic, one of...